Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Another 50 years of life awaits us at most
Live it large or your time will be lost
Why worry if people read your mind?
Take nothing serious – just let them find.
Express your love for the person you care
Don’t hold back! You have to dare!
What is the worst that can happen?
Death will come for all- all of a sudden
Let the pain run, let the blood ooze
Life is a journey, nothing to lose!!

Spiritual interaction

I will come to you once my soul is free-
And no barrier separates you from me!
You may not see me with your open eyes;
Just close them and sever all earthly ties...

Feel the cool breeze touch your skin...
Be rest assured it is me unseen!!
When you worry or groan in pain-
Feel me throbbing inside your vein!!

When you cry or gently sigh,
Remember that love cannot die.
Be all cheerful, happy and gay,
‘Coz it’s your heart where I stay.